Update on the "Running the Game" chapter, and a "Full Release"

The "Running the Game" part of the rules

It's coming along nicely! I'm very hesitant to put a hard, tangible date on it (as real life absolutely loves to get in the way) but I'm tentatively saying "relatively soon, ish, hopefully"

In the mean time, please enjoy some random bits of what we've got so far (right click and "Open in new tab" to view the images in full size)

GM moves are fun!

Some more general advice for running this style of game

A "Full Release" of Weird Weird West

Once this final "Running the Game" section of the rules is complete, I'll be putting the game up for a full release. 

The plan is to charge a flat $8 for the whole game. From that point forward, the "Free Edition" (name tbd) and the "Full Edition" (name also tbd) will both remain online and available for download - I'm still working out what I want to include in the free version, but the current plan is: the "Core Rules" and the character sheets. The full version will then also include the entire "Running the Game" chapter, plus some other goodies (no spoilers!)

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Yess !

Very excited to get it !